Wrapping Up a Brave Year – Here’s to 2025!

Brave Tribe,
Phew, it’s been one HECK of a year. And you’ve made it through! Why? Because you’re brave, bold, brilliant – and most importantly, resilient.
We pick out resilience because it is the ultimate South African quality: the ability to not only withstand trouble, but to bounce back, even more enthusiastic and ready-to-rumble than you were before.
We admire you so much, and we’re so grateful that you’ve joined us on this journey that has been 2024. Fantastic, fabulous,and sometimes a little frightening (dare we say it?), 2024 has been the year that we’ve dug deep to find the inner reserves that help us flourish.
This year, we threw several wonderful Brave events, made all the more terrific with your being there, met the most INCREDIBLE Brave gals and deep dived into the nitty-gritties and nuances that shape who we are and what we want from this life.
Our Brave network grew and grew, and we’ve been so thrilled to invite even more members into the fold. Your courage,determination and talent continue to inspire us, which is why we looked to you when we crafted our Joburg-based “Future You” event, where the inimitable Iris River Girl Fynn and Taryn Sharman delivered beautifully-crafted messages and lessons from their own future selves…
Watch the highlights here
So now we just have one more thing to ask of you: to rest and take time and space just for you. Ask yourself the important questions, things like, what do I want to do more of? What do I want to do less of? And what brings me pure,unadulterated joy?
Above all, let’s ask ourselves what habits we’re going to consciously take into the new year.
As for the upcoming Dezemba season, why not sit back and relax with some of our favourite videos, songs and podcasts that we shared with you this year?
Oprah’s Super Soul Special: Geneen Roth:Conscious Eating https://bit.ly/40rlax3
Meditation on Million Dollar Baby: https://bit.ly/4eYPlzL
Natasha Bedingfield’s ‘Unwritten’: https://bit.ly/4e9PrDA
Trinny Woodall on addiction and building a$300m business empire: https://bit.ly/3YluRug
See you in 2025 Brave Collective!
Love always, Perri, Taryn, Shan and Unathi