
Taking Control of Your Story

Last month, we gathered over 200 incredible women for a Brave Collective event that left us all feeling empowered and recharged. The energy was electric as together we told our stories and shared in some laughter, and wisdom, within the room.

Taryn Sharman and Iris Fynn led us through powerful conversations centered around the theme: *What would you tell your future self?* This question sparked deep reflection, and it became clear that we are all in the process of writing—and rewriting—our stories.

Missed the event or want to watch a short recap on what The Brave Collective is all about?

Here are some of the key areas we covered during the session and how you can take control of your own story moving forward:

Chapter 1: Introducing the Main Character

This chapter was all about YOU. We began by asking a simple yet profound question: Do you like the main character in your story? It was a moment to reflect on how we see ourselves and whether we’re living in alignment with the person we want to be. If the answer was no, this chapter was a chance to make changes.  

Chapter 2: Bad Things Happen. Making Fear Your Friend

We then explored the inevitable bumps in the road: fear and adversity. Fear is often seen as the enemy, but in this chapter, we learned that fear is a guide, showing us what we care about and protecting us in uncertain times. However, when fear becomes too big, it can stop us in our tracks. So instead of battling it, we decided to make fear a friend.  

Chapter 3: Do Something

After addressing our fears, we turned our focus to action. This chapter emphasized that success comes from **consistent, intentional habits**, not grand, sweeping gestures. We reflected on how small steps, taken daily, can lead to long-term transformation.  
Serena Williams says it best: "Self-discipline is the only way to be truly free.”  Discipline and routine may sound limiting, but they are the very tools that give us freedom to create the life we want.  

Chapter 4: Taking Control of Your Story  

And now, we’re here at the final chapter: Taking Control.  You are the author of your next chapter, and each day offers a fresh page to write on. Whether you take small, steady steps or bold leaps of faith, remember that YOU have the power to shape your story.  
As we move forward, keep these principles in mind:  

  • Consistency over intensity
  • Progress over perfection  
  • Fundamentals over fads

Your story is still unfolding, Brave Tribe, and we cannot wait to see what you write next.

The pen is in your hands, and the possibilities are endless...

Our Brave Collective event was just the beginning. You’ve got the momentum, the tools, and the community behind you. Let’s continue writing, one chapter at a time, and support one another as we grow and thrive!

Love always,  
The Brave Collective

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